Sunday, July 24, 2011

"Megamind" kills brain cells

          With the release of the latest addition to the 3D animated film genre, Megamind opened on November 5, making an impressive jump to number one at the box office in the two weeks since its release. Its success has also spawned several statements that the film may be a contender for the Academy Award for Best Animated Film. The film's success and praise is undeserved, however, for it was nothing special, and was especially dry and emotionless for a children's film. With the voice talents of comedic actors Will Ferrell and Tina Fey, and A-list actor Brad Pitt, the forced humor and exaggerated dialogue is lost upon older audience members while children may be left confused by the strange storyline.
           After super-villain Megamind (Ferrell) kills his good-guy nemesis Metro Man (Pitt), he becomes bored since there is no one left to fight. After the accidental inspiration from reporter Roxanne Ritchie, he creates a new foe, Titan (Jonah Hill), who, instead of using his powers for good, sets out to destroy the world, positioning Megamind to save the day for the first time in his life.
           While the animation (enhanced by 3D technology) is good, the acting, mostly through dialogue, comes up short. Ferrell not only proves that he has no place in being a voice talent for an animated film, but also shows that his humor isn't relatable to audiences under the age of 13. Fey also shows audiences that she only belongs in teenage and/or adult comedies, and has no place in animated films. While these two talents fall short when expected to carry the weight of the film, Pitt and Hill both steal the show to some degree. Pitt does splendidly in over exaggerating his role as a big-headed superhero, while Hill employs his awkward but street smart teenage/adult humor in his character of a cameraman-turned-super-villain.
          The film itself is disappointing for teenagers and adults thinking that it may be good, while children may enjoy it simply because it is an animated film with cool 3D effects. It is recommended that if one chooses to go see this film, grab a matinee ticket for the 2D version of it.

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